E-mail: comercial@mevcomponents.com - Telf: (34) 961 322 364 - Fax: (34) 963 010 203
- From 2 to 5 stops.
- Maximum speed 0,15 m/s.
- Single-phase 230V.
- Configurable electronic control panel.
- Complete pluggable wiring pre-mounted installation.
- With or without car doors.
- Automatic or semi-automatic landing doors.
- With 24V DC electromechanical locks (Prudhomme type) or electromechanical cam (multi-voltage).
- Maintain pressure on buttons in cabin and exterior.
- Automatic reset.
- Automatic re-levelling at floor.
- Automatic emergency rescue device in case of power failure.
- Timed return to floor or random travels with option of load weighing device for operation with empty car.
- Shaft car position signals by way of magnetic detectors and magnets.
- Exterior push-button panel with or without key and luminous indicating "lift occupied".
- Inspection push-button panel of reduced size or standard with optional push-buttons.
- Programmable cabin LED lights timer.
- Cabinet dimensions in mm: Width 400 x Height 600 x Depth 140. Paint: epoxy RAL7032.
For hydraulic systems with the following characteristics:
- 1 speed system with progressive valve, 2 or 3 HP (maximum consumption 12A).
- Single-phase 230V AC.
- Valves in 12V or 24V depending on model.
- Excess load presostat and electronic load weighing device as optional.
Reference Standards:
- PREN81-41
- Machine Directive 98/37/CE
- EN 292-1:1993
- EN292-2:1993
- EN60204-1:199